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Imagine you are lost in a forest. You’ve spent days, weeks and months trying to get out of the forest but can’t find a way. Wherever you go, it seems like you’ve made no progress. Eventually, you give up and stop trying.

But what if someone gave you a map? A map with the exact directions telling you exactly how to get out of the forest. A map which tells you the easiest way out, the dangerous areas you should avoid and which guides you every step of the way.

You would be out in no time!

That is exactly what this course is. It’s a map which tells you the easiest and fastest way to get to the top 1% on OnlyFans, while avoiding all the mistakes and setbacks.

We have left no thinking up to you. Everything you need to know is included in this guide. All you have to do is follow the instructions.

A guide with everything you need to know to get to the top 1% on OnlyFans
A map which tells you the easiest and fastest way, while avoiding all the mistakes and setbacks.

*We assume you had zero social media presence to begin with and zero cash in your bank account

What’s included?

  • The captions, bio’s, welcome messages, PPV Messages, etc used by 1% models (100+ to choose from)
  • Our highly sought after DM Conversion Script to use when you get messages on social media to convert random guys to paying fans
  • Step by step guide to using Reddit, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok to promote your OnlyFans
  • The ultimate list of subreddits to post in
  • The secret platform to promote your OnlyFans which no one talks about
  • Choosing a niche - The Multiniche Strategy
  • Guide to making high quality content + tips and ideas
  • How to get your fans to fall in love with you so they give you all their money
  • Video Call etiquette + NLP tactics to get fans addicted to you
  • Top accessories, outfits and toys you should get
  • Pricing strategy (subscription price and PPV Content)
  • Posting schedule
  • Goal setting
  • Defining your e-persona
  • How to keep fans subscribed to you
  • How to keep yourself motivated and stay focused
  • Daily Reporting System to help you stay on track
  • A lot, lot more!

Why us?

Experience talks. Bullshit walks. 

Simple. Because we are the best.

Over the past year, our team has taken dozens of girls all the way to the top 1% using the very same strategies you are going to learn.

Also, since we only work with amateur models, all the girls we took to the top started from absolute scratch. This means they had zero social media presence to begin with and did not use their real name.

Therefore when we say you can reach the 1% with our strategies, regardless of your social media presence or how you look, that's exactly what we mean.  

Some of what you will learn:

You will have access to our powerful scripts used by our top 1% models. Apart from this, we will teach you how to create your own high-conversion scripts for PPV Messages using Impulse Factors and Stages to a Conversation.

You will have access to over 100 of the most successful captions for social media to drive high traffic to your OnlyFans.
Multiniche Strategy

You’ve probably heard that you need to be part of one single niche on OnlyFans and are going bonkers trying to figure out which niche would be the perfect fit for you.

But what if we told you that instead of being part of just one niche, you could be a part of every single niche?

This is our Multiniche Strategy.

If you’ve tried promoting your OnlyFans on Twitter, then you know that it’s not an easy job and that there’s a lot of competition.

But there are shortcuts to get you noticed and which separate you from the herd.

This is our ‘Offend your way to the Top’ Twitter Strategy. It’s what allows us to get our girls to the top quicker than anyone else.

Be a wolf in sheep's clothing

To be the ultimate model, you need to know how to manipulate your fans into sending you money at the drop of a hat and how to charm your way into their pockets. You need to learn how to take men for a ride without letting them know they are being taken for one.

You need to make men fall in love with you, because when a man's in love, there's nothing he wouldn't do for a girl. You need to be this girl.

You need to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we teach you exactly how to do this. 

To be the ultimate model, you need to know how to develop and foster relationships with your fans so that they're always thinking about you. You need to learn how to charm your fans, and give them an experience no other creator is giving them.
We teach you the ultimate fan engagement strategies, including sample chatting scripts and templates, so you can learn exactly how the top OnlyFans models chat with their fans, and create undying fan loyalty.

Are you willing to do things that no other girl is willing to, to get to the top? Things which are unethical but which will yield you results you never thought possible?

If not, then never mind. But if you are, then we show you all the unconventional and unethical (but completely legal) strategies which give you an unparalleled advantage over the other girls on OnlyFans.

Unconventional Wisdom

We show you all the unconventional strategies which give you an unparalleled advantage over the other girls on OnlyFans.

Eyeballs=Traffic and Traffic=Profits

A simple formula. We teach you how to take advantage of it.
It is your job to drive as much traffic as you can to your OnlyFans page. And to do that you need as many eyeballs to view your content as possible. We teach you the most effective ways to drive huge amounts of traffic to your OnlyFans, starting from scratch.  

We have dedicated a large part of this book just to using social media. We have included step-by-step instructions to everything you need to know about leveraging each platform to benefit you the most. This means we tell you what to post, where to post, how to post and everything else.We cover captions, bio’s, accounts to follow, the rules for each platform, what is to be done, how to not get banned and much much more. 

The DM Conversion Script has the highest conversion rates in converting social media followers to paying fans.

and a lot, lot more!

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Everything you need to know to change your life is in this course. You can finally buy that house, car or bag you've always wanted. You finally know how to make more money than all those Instagram models you see traveling the world. You can visit the places you've always wanted to visit and not have to worry about the airfare cost or missing work. All you need to make your dreams come true is in this course. All you have to do is pull the trigger.

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